
Kybella at Deux Rosé Beauty Refinery is a great way to get rid of stubborn fat in areas that seem hard to treat..

Patients looking to reduce excess fat under the chin, around the face and in select areas of the body, may consider Kybella as a great non surgical option to targeted fat reduction.

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What Kybella

Can Do For You

Enhance the Facial Profile (Double Chin Reduction)

Kybella is a fat dissolving acid that eliminates fate over time. When accentuating the jawline or reducing the overall fat in the lower structures of the face, Kybella can help!

Reduce Body Fat

Do you have stubborn fat areas around the bra or lower tummy line? Kybella may be a good option for patients looking to eliminate small areas of fat that never seem to go away even with a healthy diet and exercise routine.

Facial Slimming (Buccal Fat Reduction)

Patients looking to reduce the fat on the lower cheek region may turn to Kybella as a facial slimming option. Targeting application of Kybella can eliminate buccal fat slowly.


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Patients who receive Kybella treatments see permanent fat reduction. Skin tightening post kybella procedures may be recommended to maintain long term Kybella results.

Patient Expectations and Pain

Local numbing is provided during Kybella procedures. Many patients report post treatment soreness, tenderness and swelling as a part of the normal healing process. If you plan to attend an important event or photo shoot, plan 6 months prior to your event for optimal results.

Budgeting and Treatment Plan Options

Deux Rosé Beauty Refinery Kybella treatments begin at $800. Multiple vials over multiple treatments may be needed to see optimal results. Morpheus8 or treatments may be recommended in addition to a Kybella treatment plan. Pricing can increase depending on patient goals and anatomy.Contact our front desk to book an in person or virtual consultation.



When professionally injected into the fatty areas of the face and body, KYBELLA® destroys fat cells, resulting in a noticeable reduction in fullness in areas such as under the chin, around the lower face and in select areas of the body. Once destroyed, these fat cells can no longer store or accumulate fat. The fat will be permanently dissolved and no further treatment is expected once a patient reaches their desired aesthetic goal.

Deux Rosé Beauty Refinery is Las Vegas’ premier medical spa. Our staff uses state of the art safety tools to ensure safety during jawline treatments. Numbing agents also allow this procedure to be more comfortable during patient procedure. All products used are FDA approved and provided by licensed, experienced medical professionals.

Results from KYBELLA® are permanent. Skin tightening procedures may be recommended post Kybella treatment plans.

At Deux Rosé Beauty Refinery, we offer a variety of non-surgical injectable treatments to meet your individual aesthetic goals. Prior to treatment, our medical nursing staff will develop a comprehensive treatment plan to discuss the best course of action for each patient. Regardless of which treatment is chosen, Deux Rosé Beauty Refinery is committed to helping patients reach their aesthetic goals. Contact our front desk to book an in person or virtual consultation.